Tigris - Chase The devil dalokhu

A Füsttel Együtt
Előadó: Tigris
Album: A Füsttel Együtt
Megjelenés: 2004
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Lee Perry
Perry Rainford Hugh
Smith Maxie
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Crossroads records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14467 alkalommal




Pontszám: 65


Lucifer son of the mourning, I'm gonna chase you out of earth!
I'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase satan out of earthI'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase the devil out of earthI'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another raceI'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
Satan is an evilous man
But him can't chocks it on I-manSo when I check him my lassing handAnd if him slip, I gaan with him handI'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase satan out of earthI'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase the devil out of earthI'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another raceI'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another race
Satan is a evilous man, But him can't chocks it on I-manSo when I check him my lassing handAnd if him slip, I gaan with him handI'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase satan out of earthI'm gonna put on a iron shirt, and chase the devil out of earthI'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another raceI'm gonna send him to outa space, to find another raceMove ya with your gunMi sey fe lef' ya with your bomb...
Satan is an evilous man
Move ya with your bomb
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