Antonia Vai - Click and bang video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Antonia Vai
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Antonia Vai
Zeneszerzők: Antonia Vai
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1819 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


All I wanted was a bit of fun
’Cause my days got worn out
And the streets got even colder, they got even colder
All I wanted was a bit of fun
A spark and a kiss
To bring the sun back over some distant borders

All I ever want is fun
But I play with boys that play with guns
The triggers pulled, the bullets shot

Click and bang, it has begun
I never see them load their guns
I just wake up to the sound and run

Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run
Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run

All I wanted was a bit of fun
Tossing and turning and burning with desire, with desire
All I wanted was a bit of fun
Blushing and shaking and taking it up higher, up higher

All I ever want is fun
But I play with boys that play with guns
The triggers pulled, the bullets shot

Click and bang, it has begun
I never see them load their guns
I just wake up to the sound and run

Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run
Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run

So I’m escaping in my underwear
Kissed off lipstick, ruffled hair
He’s just two steps behind

Roofs collapse and cars collide
And we’re pushing ourselves through the crowd and
It’s freezing outside

Well, all I ever want is fun
I play with boys that play with guns
The triggers pulled, the bullets shot

Click and bang, it has begun but
I’m not scared of any gun
But wise enough to know that I should run

Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run
Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run

Here we go again,
I think to myself and I light another cigarette
While I try to catch my breath
He’s lost track of me and I’ve lost track of him
And sooner or later, we’ll forget

Oh, fuck, all I wanted was fun
Play with boys that play with guns
The triggers pulled, the bullets shot

Click and bang, it has begun
I never know when they load their guns
All I know is when I need to run

Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run
Baby, I bet you know how to aim though
But baby, you bet I know how to run
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