Omega Diatribe - Abstract Ritual video

Abstract Ritual
Előadó: Omega Diatribe
Album: Abstract Ritual
Megjelenés: 2015
Hossz: 4:47
Szövegírók: Szathmáry Ákos
Zeneszerzők: Hájer Gergő
Kiadó: szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Metal
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2671 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Running pieces of time,
I stand on the face of the moment
Am I the edge between parallel
Am I wasted, am I the laid secret connection, the hand of the ones?
They offer the eternal gloom: “take the shadow and live”

How could it be absorbed in the mind when I’d concealed my senses?
And it returns.
It’s me sitting around the sun with these beings
I’d sunk the key for my projections into a cube and swallowed
To attach the new molecules
To be the eye

Cause I spent here a lot of time to try to be perfect
Cause I spent here a lot of time to be betrayed
Cause I spent here a lot of time to prove but i failed
They said in vain, to hold my own

It’s all you around me, no pieces
In the circle we are equal and extracorporeal

It’s all me around you, no pieces
Hidden colors melting me into my own skull
When i catch the line the whole world infiltrates, my eyes unite
Restart the journey through a wormhole, generated by fear and blood
That’s my own sun

It’s me sitting around the sun…
In the circle of abstract ritual
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