Adagio - Shame About The Dreams video

Előadó: Adagio
Album: Érintés
Megjelenés: 2007
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Pejtsik Péter
Zeneszerzők: Johann Sebastian Bach
Kiadó: SonyBMG
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 3462 alkalommal




Pontszám: 30


Shame that there's no equal joy for all, all the people,
Shame, that there's no equal truth at all,
For all the world.
Shame, it's seem like dreams don't all come true
We shouldn't for, for lives,

Shame, it would have been so nice to make,
Our world, a paradise,
Joy, over the birth of a child,
She's a shocking come cried
That shows your nation' die.

Friend, we have to change our lifes for good,
We have to change our lifes for good,
Friend, we have to change our lifes for good,
We have to live with must succeed.

Sad, that theres's no equal for joy for all,
Shame that there's no equal right at all,
Friend, there is the promise, prompt the hood,
Now is dogging dog,
Bride of poisons, bruck the hope just,
We all that kill no matter out,
Joy, success a blond with success,,
Carry an and business and all
Until the shares of all.

Sad, but we will loose if we been talls,
And its teaple living gods,
And must people raising stakes,
And not standers showinga our joy for the dreams.

Away from joy,
Away from joy,
Away from joy.

Joy, joy, it's unreachable
You know, dear.
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