Király Viktor - Have I told you video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Király Viktor
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 12422 alkalommal




Pontszám: 1


Have I told you when I wake up you're the first thing on my mind, have I told you that there's so much more in store.
Have I told you that you changed my world you changed my sense of time I should have told you before.

Cause sometimes you slip and you fall, I know I don't know it all, at times I mess up too. It's hard to balance, stand up not crawl, when I'm pulling the weight for two.
I try to keep my head on my shoulders don't want to lose focus but I'm swaying side to side, so baby can you hang on with hope, just walk on my tight rope!

I should have told you when you stayed up all night waiting for my call, I should have told you that there's nothing there at all.
I should have told you, I have a passion for the finer things in life. I have to tell you tonight!

Cause sometimes you slip and you fall, I know I don't know it all, at times I mess up too. It's hard to balance, stand up not crawl, when I'm pulling the weight for two.
I try to keep my head on my shoulders don't want to lose focus but I'm swaying side to side, so baby can you hang on with hope, just walk on my tight rope!

You know it's hard sometimes, so hard to be a man.
I know the curtains came down. It was only a one night stand.

Cause sometimes you slip and you fall, I know I don't know it all, at times I mess up too. It's hard to balance, stand up not crawl, when I'm pulling the weight for two.
I try to keep my head on my shoulders don't want to loose focus but I'm swaying side to side, so baby can you hang on with hope, just walk on my tight rope!

Cause sometimes you slip and you fall, I know I don't know it all, at times I mess up too. It's hard to balance, stand up not crawl, when I'm pulling the weight for two.
I try to keep my head on my shoulders don't want to lose focus but I'm swaying side to side, so baby can you hang on with hope, just walk on my tight rope!

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