Heincz Gábor Biga - Learning To Let Go video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Heincz Gábor Biga
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Nemeth George Tibor
Zeneszerzők: Szabó Zsolt
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 47554 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


It was a day in July, with a sunset like fire
I had you in my arm
Those first fragile words, some kind of conversation
Your life had just begun

Go, you don't need to hurry
I'll pretend not to worry
I'll be near you when you call

Walk with the wind behind you
And the sun in your face
It makes everything worldwide

Every step along the way
Every night and every day
I'll be there learning to let go, oh oh oh
Learning to let go
I don't wanna say goodbye
But I've got to let you fly
And so I'm learning to let go, oh oh oh
Learning to let go

Funny how time passes by
Now and then we sit together
You ask for my advice
I don't have all the answers
Just do your best and
Don't lose that sparkle in your eyes

Walk with the wind behind you
And the sun in your face
It makes everything worldwide

Every step along the way
Every night and every day
I'll be there
Learning to let go, oh oh oh
I'm learning to let go
I don't wanna say goodbye
But I've got to let you fly
And so I'm learning to let go
I'm learning to let go

Life's a rollercoster ride
Once you're up then you're down
You may slip, you may slide
Just get up off the ground
In times of trouble I will be there by your side
I know you'll make it on your own

Every step along the way
Every night and every day
I'll be there learning to let go, oh oh oh
Learning to let go
Learning to let go
I don't wanna say goodbye
Learning to let go
But I've got to let you fly
Learning to let go, oh oh oh
Learning to let go
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Zeneszöveg hozzászólások

The_Tangled_One Hozzászólás ideje: 2012-07-22 11:17:55

Utolsó bejelentkezés:
2012-07-22 11:17:55

Véleménye a(z) "Heincz Gábor Biga" előadó "Learning To Let Go" c. dalszövegéről:

It makes everything worldwide - tkp. worth while lesz az, annak van értelme... egyébként jó lett, grat annak aki leírta

picknick Hozzászólás ideje: 2012-02-27 05:27:30

Utolsó bejelentkezés:
2013-04-20 20:35:19

Véleménye a(z) "Heincz Gábor Biga" előadó "Learning To Let Go" c. dalszövegéről:

az eredeti picit más nem??

Csilla524 Hozzászólás ideje: 2012-02-13 18:59:33

Utolsó bejelentkezés:
2017-02-27 11:26:42

Véleménye a(z) "Heincz Gábor Biga" előadó "Learning To Let Go" c. dalszövegéről:

nagyon tetszik

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