Yonderboi - Love Hides video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Yonderboi
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 13488 alkalommal




Pontszám: 1


Love hides in the strangest places
Love hides in familiar faces.
Love comes when you least expect it.
Love hides in narrow corners.
Love comes to those who seek it.
Love hides inside the rainbow
Love hides in molecular structures.

Love is the answer
Love is the answer

Love is my answer
Love is my answer
Love is my answer
Love is my answer
Love is my answer

Love hides in the strangest places
Love hides in familiar faces.
Love comes when you least expect it.
Love hides in narrow corners.
Love comes to those who seek it.
Love hides inside the rainbow
Love hides in molecular structures.

Love is the answer
Love is the answer

Love is my answer
Love is my answer
Love is my answer
Love is my answer
Love is my answer
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