Kováts Vera - Release me

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Kováts Vera
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3709 alkalommal




Pontszám: 357


Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why am I with you now
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

Yeah, it's perfectly clear
That it's not what you need
I tell you that I don't care
But I don't want to
Anything that you say
I hear myself agree
And I don't recognize
What i've turned into

I don't know why I want you so
'Cause I don't need the heart break
I don't know what addictive hold
You have on me I can't shake
No, I'm not in control
So let me go

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

I could sleep by myself
you would burn me alive
Find me somebody else
But I don't want to
Try to leave out the love
That goes againt the grain
But I can rationalize it
If I have to

I don't know why I want you so
'Cause I don't need the heart break
I don't know what addictive hold
You have on me I can't shake
No, I'm not in control
So let me go

Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

Im not in control, so let me go
Release me
Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you

Release my body
I know it's wrong
So why do I keep coming back
I say release me
'Cause I'm not able to
Convince myself
That I'm better off without you
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