New Level Empire - The Last One video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: New Level Empire
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 28880 alkalommal




Pontszám: 35


Is it home? Is any place with you to hide?
Is it hope? If I just want to get your side?
Is it game if ever I find you in the sound?
Is it pain if ever I lose you in the crowd?

Only one I love is everything I breathe in,
Only one I want and never stop believin',
Hold you everytime to make my life completed,
Only one I knew the last one I saw was you,
The last on I saw was you...

Only one I love is everything I breathe in,
Only one I want and never stop believin',
Hold you everytime to make my life completed,
Only one I knew...

It was two, it was just two second to see,
She was you to lovin' and understandin' me.
Now I'm here with faded and full of empty things.
Can you hear on the promise of neverendin' fields?

Only one I love is everything I breathe in,
Only one I want and never stop believin',
Hold you everytime to make my life completed,
Only one I knew the last one I saw was you,
The last on I saw was you...

Only one I love is everything I breathe in,
Only one I want and never stop believin',
Hold you everytime to make my life completed,
Only one I knew the last one I saw was you,
The last on I saw was you...
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