Ozone Mama - Out Of My Way video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Ozone Mama
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Mohácsi Mátyás
Székely Márton
Gábor András
Zeneszerzők: Mohácsi Mátyás
Székely Márton
Gábor András
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Rock n\' Roll, Hard Rock, Americana
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2171 alkalommal




Pontszám: 50


Pretty hard to make me singing now
Pretty hard to rise me above the ground
Soulless sour poet I became
When will I 'll be walkin' home again?
Home again ...

It's time that I gotta get my feet back on the ground
You're too much for me to handle
See me keep on fighting with my own state of mind
Say that: „I don't want you"

Hey you made me feel this way
Out of my way - Out of my way
(I've been) Wandering back to you
Hey let's just keep this way
Out of my way - Out of my way

Come on!

Used to be so sober 'n' sorted out
What goes around that always comes around
You keep speaking a language I don't know
Cause your direction's not my way to go
Way to go....

It's time that I gotta keep my feet back on the ground
See that I'm getting sick and tired
I feel that you badly need a password to be found
When I say that „I don't want you"

Hey you made me feel this way
Get out of my way - Out of my way
I've been overused Hey let's just keep this way
Out of my way - Out of my way

You see me, baby, crawlin' deep 'n' dirty now
It's time to find my own way

[Guitar Solo]

It's time that I gotta get my feet back on the ground
You're too much for me to handle
See me keep on fighting with my own state of mind
Say that: „I don't want you"
Baby, „I don't want you"

Hey you made me feel this way
Get out of my way - Out of my way
(I've been) Wandering back to you
Hey let's just keep this way
Out of my way - Out of my way
I've been overused
Hey you made me feel this way
Out of my way - Out of my way
I've been tortured
Hey let's just keep this way
Out of my way - Out of my way
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