The Carbonfools - Broken video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 8920 alkalommal




Pontszám: 325


Look at me i'm broken
i fell and broke again
i need a hand to lift me
and a drink to ease my pain

i need someone to help me
i m shouting out in vain
the first who can hug me
the first can take my name

look at me i'm broken
just take my heart for free
but an empty heart's gonna fall apart
and never let you see

again, again i feel the pain
i throw some back at you
because you lied and so did i
tell me who is who?

who can you trust?
and, who will just fail?
and, who will surrender?
and, who lies again?

look at me i'm broken
you can take me in your bag
you can crease me in your pocket
i'm crumpled like a rag

again, again i feel the pain
i throw some back at you
because you lied and so did i
well, tell me who is who?

who can you trust?
and, who will just fail?
and, who will surrander?
and, who lies again?

can't stand your hissyfits and your noisy bits
'couse you extracool, and you run like fool
into your neverlands, where you can wave your hands
into the cyberspace
but all you give is
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