Kállay-Saunders Band - Mama She Knows video

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Kállay-Saunders András
Zeneszerzők: Kállay-Saunders András
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Pop-Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1958 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


Mama she knows
Mama she knows
Where to run to

Mama she knows
Mama she knows
She will guide you

Even in the dark
Even on the coldest night
She will be your blanket

Even when your lost
Even when nothing’s right
She will give you answers

I’ve seen Rivers Cry
Thinking of the lullabies
She was trying
I was blinded by the light

I’ve seen Rivers Cry
Thinking of the lullabies
She was trying
I was blinded by the light

Said my mama was right
Listen to me darling
Listen to me darling

Said my mama was right
Listen to me darling
Listen to me darling

Mama you know
Mama you know
I love you

Thought I was right
When I was wrong
I thank you
I thank you

Even in the dark
Even on the coldest night
She will be your blanket

Even when your lost
Even when nothing’s right
She will give you answers

I’ve seen Rivers Cry
Thinking of the lullabies
She was trying
I was blinded by the light

I’ve seen Rivers Cry
Thinking of the lullabies
She was trying
I was blinded by the light

Said my mama was right
Listen to me darling
Listen to me darling

Said my mama was right
Listen to me darling
Listen to me darling


I’ve seen Rivers Cry
Thinking of the lullabies
She was trying
I was blinded by the light

I’ve seen Rivers Cry
Thinking of the lullabies
She was trying
I was blinded by the light

Said my mama was right
Listen to me darling
Listen to me darling

Said my mama was right
Listen to me darling
Listen to me darling
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