Batánovics Lili - Something’s missing video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Batánovics Lili
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Kotsy Krisztina
Zeneszerzők: Hársházi Szabolcs
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2146 alkalommal




Pontszám: 399


What if we fail
At the end of the day?
We’re screening the world,
But the screams are unheard,
Our minds are too blurred.

See, what happened,
Just since I was a child!
Seems way different,
Than what I’ve dreamed about!

Something’s missing,
Stop pretending,
But shout it out loud
To all on that ground…
... that something’s missing,
We could find out!
Still worth fixing
And spread the love out.
We’ll need you around!

That speed is insane,
How we’re losing our flame,
We’re craving for real friends,
But don’t take our chance
To make some difference.

Think for a second!
Would you now be a child?
War-zones are present,
Our future is blind.

Something’s missing,
Stop pretending,
But shout it out loud
To all on that ground…
... that something’s missing,
We could find out!
Still worth fixing
And spread the love out.
We’ll need you around!
Love will find the path,
Find the path!

It’s time to shout it out loud:
Don’t take this life for granted,
‘cause it’s sliding away,
And you won’t be alerted!

Something’s missing,
Stop pretending,
But shout it out loud
To all on that ground…
... that something’s missing,
We could find out!
Still worth fixing
And spread the love out.
We’ll need you around!
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