Super Stupid - Time To Move

Előadó: Super Stupid
Album: DOWN
Megjelenés: 2017
Hossz: 5:09
Szövegírók: Boltresz Attila
Zeneszerzők: Keszler János
Varga Dávid (Super Stupid)
Lázár András
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2125 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Forget all the past
Leave behind the pain
The life that you have made
There's no one to blame

Things you should have done
Only you respond
You say it's not your fault
But in the end you're alone

- time to move on-

You hide away again
Here comes the same old game
Time by Time

Open up your eyes
Don't play the same old lies
Just live your life

Battles that you need
Weights you want to take
Don't try to cheat the game
You cannot make a mistake

People all around
Advising things to try
No one can respond now
Just find your own way out

Time to move-time to move
I know it's hard but nothing left to loose (lose)

Time to move-time to move
I believe you're ready for all the bad news

Time to move-time to move
Don't act like it's against the rules

Time to move-time to move
Enough of the lies, now it's - time to move


Ref. x 2
Live your life…
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