Haraszti Ádám Projekt - Beautiful Soul (feat Sena Dagadu) video

Album: nincs kép
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Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1040 alkalommal




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Pray tell,
Are you doin’ good and well?
Are you feelin’ what I'm feelin’?
Does your heart swell at the mention of my name?
Does your blood race? Heart rate elevate?
Do your palpations feel like earthquakes?
Make you want to dance get naked and dream.
Stand on a mountain top and scream.
Are you loving the view and the vibe?
Rocking to your rhythm make me come alive.
I couldn’t help but think about you
You and I
We're superfly
Visions of you body make me want to multiply
Like two times two put me right by you.
I stick to your skin like I be tattoo
The way you make me feel is the sweetest taboo.

I love that pure attitude
I love that you don’t make me blue
Not because you gotta go and on
But because you’ve got a beautiful soul

I wanna wake up to your smell of your body
I don’t remember when last I felt this way
And I’m curious to know your truth
Are you down to make me set the mood?
I'll wine you tonight to the candlelight
And I'll feed you my fruit to your hearts delight.
You know I’m a treat you good
Unless I missunderstood
But I don’t think that’s the case,
cause you place your lips on mine
And I feel your breath suggesting it wants to intertwine
Oh Lord I know that one day, I’m gonna die
But I pray that day don’t come tonight
Cause this love, this love me like, me like.

I love that pure attitude
I love that you don’t make me blue
Not because you gotta go and on
But because you’ve got a beautiful soul
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