Tóth Dániel - We Can't Find A Way video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Tóth Dániel
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Tóth Dániel
Zeneszerzők: Tóth Dániel
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 1085 alkalommal




Pontszám: 75


Waiting on the corner
Looking for a sign
Watching all the people
Nobody can see me

I see their time is running
Only phones in hand
What happened to the people
That the world once had

We are just spinning around, spinning around in circles
The world is upside down and we can't find a solution
We could change the earth if everybody needed to
It's a shame that we can't find a way to
We are just doing the same, doing the same in circles
Love is hiding now, we need to come together
We could change the earth if everybody needed to
It's a shame that we can't find the way through

Lovers in a restaurant
Are chatting on the phone
I still can't believe it
Looks like they’re all alone

Tell me where's the kindness
Tell me where's the love
Our life became a big game
And we don't know where to start

We are just spinning around, spinning around in circles
The world is upside down and we can't find a solution
We could change the earth if everybody needed to
It's a shame that we can't find a way to
We are just doing the same, doing the same in circles
Love is hiding now, we need to come together
We could change the earth if everybody needed to
It's a shame that we can't find the way through

We are just spinning around, spinning around in circles
The world is upside down and we can't find a solution
We could change the earth if everybody needed to
It's a shame that we can't find a way to
We are just doing the same, doing the same in circles
Love is hiding now, we need to come together
We could change the earth if everybody needed to
It's a shame that we can't find the way through
We can't find the way through
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