Bloody Holly and the Ricketz - Sweet Little Frankenstein video

Album: nincs kép
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Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 766 alkalommal




Pontszám: 597


The creators were waiting for a miracle to come
The most perfect gift, a shining star, brighter than the sun
But the test tube wasn’t clean enough, a true monster was born
And the scientists had nothing but a good reason to mourn

He was dropped in holy water hoping he would drown
In the love of Jesus but his cross turned upside down
And he was just too cynical to ring inferno’s bell
Instead of serving Satan he created his own hell

Their sweet little Frankenstein won’t walk the holy path
His tragic way leads forward into the certain death
He’s ready for destruction, but no one cries for help
The one and only victim will be his own worthless self

We know this song is fucked up, we’re whining like a bitch
The riffs are fucking trivial and the choirs full of kitsch
But that’s the way we are now in this goddamn quarantine
We all have the Weltschmerz of a pussy emo teen

Their sweet little Frankenstein won’t walk the holy path
His tragic way leads forward into the certain death
He’s ready for destruction, but no one cries for help
The one and only victim will be his own worthless self

Their sweet little Frankenstein won’t walk the holy path
His tragic way leads forward into the certain death
He’s ready for destruction, but no one cries for help
The one and only victim will be his own worthless self
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