Supernem - The Morning After dalokhu video

Előadó: Supernem
Album: Hangosabban!
Megjelenés: 2003
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Mózsik Imre
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Gold Record
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14109 alkalommal




Pontszám: 2


Down and out we seldom used the right controls
We were loud grabbing the bar in a loaded pose
Overdosed she saw my face and broke my nose
I just smiled and gave my life in a blood-red rose
The one she chose
It all came down on the morning after

Let me go on my way
What else do I have to say
Hey hey it's a smashing new day
Let me go on my way
What else can I realy say
It all came down, pull yourself together

Living fate, breaking lines in loving hate
In my eyes a short demise and a long too-late

One day I did find her tuning me finer
But the things in my mind were taking me higher
Needing it faster leading to a disaster
Guess I should've been nicer self-sacrifyer
It all came down, who're you trying to flatter

Let me go on my way
What else do I have to say
Hey hey it's a smashing new day
Let me go on my way
What else can I realy say
Hey, hey it's a smashing new day
Let me go on my way
What else do I have to say
Hey hey it's a smashing new day
Let me go on my way
What else do I have to say
It all came down on the morning after

I'm so down, I miss the two of us, I miss it now

We were lost in space and time
Driving round and round
There's always something inward bound
We just haven't found

If two in the game are not exactly the same
And the spiritual chain gets so very mundane
If all is in vain tell me who is to blame?
Tell me who is to blame! Tell me who is to blame!
It all came down, but does it realy matter?

Everyday people just get by and by
Why did we ever go so high

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