Omega - Home again (Segíts nekem!) video

Omega XIII: Babylon (CD)
Előadó: Omega
Album: Omega XIII: Babylon (CD)
Megjelenés: 2004
Hossz: 5:07
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Hungaroton-Mega
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6146 alkalommal




Pontszám: 60


I hit the road so many years ago,
There’s no place in the world left to go,
I have known money and fame,
Bad time and shame,
I guess I just don’t care it’s all the same.

I’ve seen the stars rise and fall,
And I know how it feels to stand against the wall,
I’m lost without a friend,
No hands to lend,
And I wanna be back home again.

No place in the world can hold me anymore,
I can’t go on trying my fortune door to door,
I need somewhere to hang my coat like any man,
Yes I know I wanna be back home again.

There’s a time in every life to make a break,
And there’s a time to dream and time to wake,
Yes I walked the clouds too long,
And I got it all so wrong,
And I wanna be back where I belong.

No place in the world can hold me anymore,
I can’t go on trying my fortune door to door,
I need somewhere to hang my coat like any man,
Yes I know I wanna be back home again.

No one in this world can stop me anymore,
I dream about the moment, I walk through the door,
I need somewhere to hang my coat like any man,
Yes I know I wanna be back home again.
Yes I know I wanna be back home again.
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