Lola - Say you love me! video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Lola
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Major Eszter
Mózsik Imre
Zeneszerzők: Rakonczai Viktor
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Pop-Rock
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 40738 alkalommal




Pontszám: 1


Say you love me!
And I tell you one thing you should know:
Like a forest needs the rain, I need you so

Monday I stay up late
Tuesday I'm still awake
Wednesday can't close my eyes
Thursday is not surprise

Friday we have a date
One year to celebrate
Can't see you hesitate
I know one thing is true:
A lifetime ain't enough with you

Say you love me!
Say that I'm the only one
Say you want me!
And I'll shine for your eyes brighter than the sun
Say you love me!
And I tell you one thing you should know:
Like a forest needs the rain, I need you so

Whispered some promises
On the good Lord's premises
Vows kept by you and I
Will take us down the line

Fate keeps me by your side
We keep us tantalized
From your clean speaking eyes
I know one thing is true:
A lifetime ain't enough with you

Say you love me!
Say that I'm the only one
Say you want me!
And I'll shine for your eyes brighter than the sun
Say you love me!
And I tell you one thing you should know:
Like a forest needs the rain, I need you so

How? How can being happy seem so easy?
How? How can I be sure you'll never leave me?
I cherish everything about you
And perish made to live without you
Stay please by me!

Say you love me!
Say that I'm the only one
Say you want me!
And I'll shine for your eyes brighter than the sun
Say you love me!
Tears? Yes, I know we've shed a few
But no one loves you more than I love you
No one loved you more than I love you
Eredeti: Lola - Élj a mának!
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