Adagio - My Love video

Előadó: Adagio
Album: Gold
Megjelenés: 2006
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Stevie Wonder
Zeneszerzők: Stevie Wonder
Kiadó: SonyBMG
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6000 alkalommal




Pontszám: 104


My love is warmer than a smile
My love gives to every needing
If anyone should ask you who's
my true love
Tell them my love true is ever
letting all their love come

My love sees love with not a face
And lives to love through time
and space
If all of everything about my love
fits to the tune of you
Then you can say that you are
my love too

Let my love shine throughout
the world
To every mountain top and
Let it be felt by every soul
'Til love's all over
Let it reach out to every heart
To every disenfranchised people
'Til it is present and no more is
pain all over

Our love sees love's the key
to peace
We'll pray 'til all world wars
have ceased
Should you or anyone you know
enough to say they feel as we
Then let our universal song
be free

Let my love shine throughout
the world
To every mountain top and
Let it be felt by every soul
'Til love's all over
Let it reach out to every heart
To every disenfranchised people
'Til it is present and no more is
pain all over

Let our love shine throughout
the world
To every mountain top and
Let it be felt by every soul
shine throughout of the world
Felt by every soul
shine throughout of the world
Felt by every soul
Let our love shine throughout
the world
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