Jack Jack - If I let you go video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Jack Jack
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Mester Tamás
Tóth Tibor
Zana Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 38, összesen 21470 alkalommal




Pontszám: 28


If I let you go


You say I´m more than a lover
but You say it don´t mean anything
Well I´d choose any book by the cover
thought you never judged me

All words have a whole new meaning
when you say love is blind
Just because you´re feeling cheated
don´t trust my mind

I feel what I feel, I´m just scared of you

If I let you go
I have to know
that our time wasn´t all for nothing

cuz I still belong
You´re the right kind of wrong
It feels like I have nothing to lose, baby
There´s always a new temptation
so you´re the only one who can rescue me

You say it´s a role in a movie
but I keep forgetting my lines
Can´t play my part if you always
follow the signs baby

Yeah, I remember the rules
A pair is two of a kind
Let´s pretend the game is going well
We´re the mess we left behind

I feel what you feel,
I´m just scared of you

If I let you go
I have to know
that our time wasn´t all for nothing

cuz I still belong
You´re the right kind of wrong
It feels like I have nothing to lose, babe
There´s always a new temptation
so you´re the only one who can rescue me

If I let you go
I have to know
that our time wasn´t all for nothing

cuz I still belong
You´re the right kind of wrong
It feels like I have nothing to lose, babe
There´s always a new temptation
so you´re the only one who can rescue me

If I let you go
If I let you go
If I let you go

cuz I still belong

You´re the right kind of wrong
it feels like I have nothing to lose, babe
There´s always a new temptation
so you´re the only one who can

Rescue me
Rescue me
rescue me, yeah
If I let you go
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