Fuwdo - The golden hour dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Fuwdo
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5401 alkalommal




Pontszám: 36


We’ve got it all, we’ve got a way
In light of your purpose i’ll stay

Let’s burn these bridges down
We’ll cross the great divide which lay ruptured,
Until now the past present collide our future looks so bright
Which lay untouched till our golden hour

Go far oh far away from here pursue the
Thirst (that drives you there)
Take control of what you want to do it’s in your hands; your hands

Which way we’ll never know
The bodies wash ashore
Which lay frozen in outer space
The grass is black and blue
A gift from me to you
Which lay untouched in our golden hour

Go far oh far away from here pursue
The thirst (that drives you there)
Take control of what you want to do it’s in your hands your hands

Go far oh far away from here pursue the thirst
(that drives you there)
Take control of what you want to do it’s in your hands; your hands
We’ve got it all
We’ve got a way
In light of your purpose i’ll stay
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