Omega - Little Man video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Omega
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Bono
Zeneszerzők: Bono
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Beat
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 11488 alkalommal




Pontszám: 841


Little man, when you stand by my side
Then I know I don't have to hide from anyone
And I pray that we'll stay just that way
Till the day comes along when we catch the sun.

Little girl you're runnin'
Come catch my hand I'm near you
Little girl you're singin'
Come close to me I hear you

You're growin' old, my mother's cold
Now it's time that you learned what it meant to be mature
There's no such place as make believe
But when I look at your face,
I'm not so sure

Little girl you're runnin'
Come catch my hand I'm near you
Little girl you're singin'
Come close to me I hear you

You and me is what I see
And that's the way its gonna stay and it will always be
So little man, please understand
In this world with all its land
You're all I see

Little girl you're runnin'
Come catch my hand I'm near you
Little girl you're singin'
Come close to me I hear you

Little girl you're runnin'
Come catch my hand I'm near you
Little girl you're singin'
Come close to me I hear you
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