Irie Rocktrio - Kickout

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Irie Rocktrio
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2960 alkalommal




Pontszám: 50


Are you ready for the man inside the cage?
It's time for you now to turn that goddamn page…
Before I tell this story, I just need a little break.
There's nothing good, I start to suffocate!

At this point I'm giving it up,
At this point I'm handing it over,
You're the only one I cared about.
'Cause I cared 'cause I cared 'cause I cared, cared!
You're love is like a candle flame
Are you ready for the hurricane?
Are you ready for the hurricane?

Are you ready for a guy who feels the pain?
It's time for you now to choke your raging game.
If you let me, I will call you "Babe" again...
Just overstand, I'm not like anybody!

At this point I'm giving it up,
At this point I'm handing it over,
You're the only one I cared about.
'Cause I cared 'cause I cared 'cause I cared, cared!
You're love is like a candle flame
Are you ready for the hurricane?
Are you ready for the hurricane?

I wrote you a letter to help my only lie!
I wrote you a letter to hold my head up higher!
I wrote you a letter to help my only lie!
I wrote you a letter to hold my head up higher!
I wrote you a letter to help my only lie!
I wrote you a letter to hold my head up higher!
I wrote you a letter!
I wrote you a letter!

You're love is like a candle flame
Are you ready for the hurricane?
Are you ready for the hurricane?
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