LGT - Let’s Teach the Children

All Aboard
Előadó: LGT
Album: All Aboard
Megjelenés: 1975
Hossz: 3:09
Szövegírók: Adamis Anna
Zeneszerzők: Barta Tamás
Kiadó: ABC Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4572 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Free, free, all the children

Your step can teach him how to (walk)
Your words can teach him how to talk
Your hands can teach him how to be
Your eyes can teach him how to live

Teach him before it gets to late
Teach how to love not to hate
Teach that the world is sometimes wild
Teach him to teach his own child

Your eyes can teach how to see
Your heart can teach what to be
When he’s grown up let him know
When he leaves your suffer (soul)

Let’s teach all the children around
Teach the children
Teach, teach all the children
Let’s teach all the children around

Teach him to live in himself
Help when he needs all your help
Make him love when he’s down
Smile’s ______________

Your eyes can teach how to see
Your heart can teach what to be
When he’s grown up let him know
When he leaves your suffer (soul)

Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around

Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
Let’s teach all the children around
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