LGT - In Other Words

Too Long
Előadó: LGT
Album: Too Long
Megjelenés: 1983
Hossz: 4:14
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 4019 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Like an autumn breeze in mid-July
Like a rainbow in a cold grey sky
You came upon me suddenly
Ah, it took me by surprise
In other words, all that I’ve got to say is
Ooh – You thrill me every time
You made our lovelight shine
I’m mighty glad you’re mine

Like the sparkle in the best champagne
Like the sugar in the sugar cane
You, you’re the better half of me
No, don’t ask me how or why
In other words, all that I’ve got to say is
Ooh – In everything I do
You’re there to pull me through
It’s always down to you

Don’t know how you got to me
But I guess it’s plain to see
I’m stuck on you somehow
What it is I can’t explain
But I’d do the same again
If we were strangers now

If you ever left me I’d be lost
I’m too dependent now to pay the cost
And I would lose my sanity
Oh a part of me would die
In other words, all that I’ve got to say is
Ooh – Please don’t ever stop
Stay with me till we drop
Take me to the top

Ooh – Please don’t ever stop
Take me to the top
Ooh – Please never stop
Ooh – Please never stop
Take me to the top
Ooh – Please don’t ever stop
Eredeti: LGT - A siker
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