Ektomorf - Sick Of It All video

What Doesn't Kill Me...
Előadó: Ektomorf
Album: What Doesn't Kill Me...
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: 3:04
Szövegírók: Farkas Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Farkas Zoltán
Kiadó: AMF Records
Stílus: Thrash Metal, Nu metal
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 3642 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


You judge me
you hate me
can't stand the shade
of my darker skin
Don't know me
but show me
your ignorance
like my skin's a sin

Don't hate you
but you hate me
but one thing
you must understand
If you stress me
or test me
you'll feel the wrath
of a crazy man

See your face of disgust
you like your faith
you like your trust
you judge my race quick to rush
but you don't know me
what the fuck

Your race is used full of lies
we bring about your demise
my righteousness is on the rise
You wanna see the truth
open your eyes

All the pain you caused for me
all those hate you caused for me

I'm just sick of it all
Don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of you all
Don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of it all
we don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of you all
Don't give a fuck about you

Are you fool,
are you friend?
What state of mind
are you in?
So many lies
you've been told
that you repeat
since you were three years old

Brake the mold
change the game
release yourself
from all that pain
Cause if you maintain
the things you do
When you're yelling fuck me
I'm screaming fuck you

All the pain you caused for me
all those hate you caused for me

I'm just sick of it all
Don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of you all
Don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of it all
we don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of you all
Don't give a fuck about you

Do you do the things you do
Can't you ever tell the truth
Do you even have a clue
We don't give a fuck about you

I'm just sick of it all
Don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of you all
Don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of it all
we don't give a fuck about you
I'm just sick of you all
Don't give a fuck about you
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