The Carbonfools - Pillow video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14740 alkalommal




Pontszám: 325


How can I touch you know?
How can I trust you know?
How can I found your way?
How can I make you stay?

Where have you been last night?
You look like you had a fight
With someone I shouldn't know 'cause you didn't tell
And your pretty lies just doesn't ring my bell

Before you start to blow - my sweet any
I tell you that you should know - just listening
That I'm a wild heart gardener
I'm growing trees and flower hills as well

But what if the flowers bloom - you give away
What if they give last fume - just give away
You may not need experience
To grow and throw your flowers to their hands

So what with the red-red rose? - you get them all
What with the whites, yellows? - you're earn it all
I'll give you all, keep only some
The few I need when I jump to touch the sun

I can't stay
I can't go
I can't lie
I can't show

I can't feel
What you do
What I don't have
Can't give you

I still can't
Just leave you
Spending just a day without you
'Couse you're just like pillow
That angels sent me to have my rest

So this is the way it works
I know that it really hurts
But these flowers needs more treats to grow
And I can't stop myself to give them all

What if the flowers bloom - you give away
What if they give last fume - just give away
You may not need experience
To grow and throw your flowers to their hands

So wat with the red-red rose? - you get them all
What with the whites, yellows? - you're earn it all
I'll give you all, keep only some
The few I need when I jump to touch the sun

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