Óperentzia - Freak Circus Combo dalokhu

Freak Circus Combo
Előadó: Óperentzia
Album: Freak Circus Combo
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3271 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Attention please ladies and genlemen
I am ur nightmare in ur dreams
I am ur god, the woman with beard

He's charming, Im short
It's not fair- he thought
Hey ladies and men
He is a liar I swear
's not magic, not power
just hat with some towel

Frustrated jugglers
Push maul down the throats of
The burlesque dancers coz
They sleep with the others

The rope dancer agonize
to fall down or stay alive
watch the mess under her
then choose the other world

The freak keeps ears stopped
by now they broke his heart
the strongman is gay
he cant find his pair

Only the freak could stay
in this cage the sane
he burnt down the tent
to keep the holiness of the circus
then left
with deep lonliness
was walkin and walkin along the long long road

Was walkin along the long long road
met a bear and a woman
who was a fortune teller

Then a wayside mushroom
was singing a song
Freak's heart got bigger
Its the best circus ever.
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