Marge - Morning Light (Reggeli fény) video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Marge
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Batta Zsuzsanna (Marge)
Batta Zsuzsanna
Zeneszerzők: Szakos Krisztián
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5966 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


If you know, i want try to feel it
If i know, you should stay to be pure
Everyday we find out with learning
Only special things make the news

I know, I know, we are turning around
I know, I know, we want to see and use
You should do what you gonna do, with your life
It's your hopeless truth
Your book,you can write it

I just believe in time with the morning light
The world's grown up, smile, in your eyes
Trust yourself if you try to move on
That's the reason why we're singing and singen and singen
and singing this song
I want to listen and sing this song

If you know, i want try to feel it
If i know, you should stay to be pure
Everyday we find out with learning
Only special things make the news

I know, I know, we are turning around
I know, I know, we want to see and use
You should do what you gonna do, with your life
It's your hopeless truth
Your book, you can write it

I just believe in time with the morning light
The world's grown up, smile, in your eyes
Trust yourself if you try to move on
That's the reason why we're singing this song

If noone can hear you tomorrow,
Read your mind and don't be proud
When i want you to be the finest
you are not alone.

I just belive in time with the morning light
The world's grown up, smile, in your eyes
Trust yourself if you try to move on
Thats the reason why we're and sing this song

Believe in time with the morning light
The world's grown up, smile, in your eyes
Trust yourself if you try to move on
That's the reason why we're singing this song
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