Fényes Kató - Managua Nicaragua

Csupa könny a szobám
Előadó: Fényes Kató
Album: Csupa könny a szobám
Megjelenés: 2000
Hossz: 2:38
Szövegírók: Albert Gamse
Zeneszerzők: Irving Fields
Kiadó: Dalnok Kiadó
Stílus: Jazz, örökzöld
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3030 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Managua, Nicaragua is a beautiful town
You buy a hacienda for a few pesos down
You give it to the lady you are tryin' to win
But her papa doesn't let you come in

Managua, Nicaragua is a heavenly place
You ask a seorita for a 'leetle' embrace
She answers you, "Caramba! scram-ba bambarito"
In Managua, Nicaragua, that's "No"

I have been to many tropic ports
I might include even Brooklyn
If you're ever feelin' out of sorts
I'd like to recommend a look in...

Managua, Nicaragua, what a wonderful spot
There's coffee and bananas and a temperature hot
So take a trip and on a ship go sailing away
Across the agua to Managua, Nicaragua, ol
Ol, ol
Across the agua to Managua, Nicaragua, ol

Managua, Nicaragua is a beautiful town
You buy a hosienda for a few pesos down
You give it to the lady you are tryin' to win
But her papa doesn't let you come in

Managua, Nicaragua is a heavenly place
You ask a seorita for a 'leetle' embrace
She answers you, "Caramba! scram-ba bambarito"
In Managua, Nicaragua, that's "No"

Every day is made for play and fun
'Cause every day is fiesta
And they work from twelve o'clock to one
Minus an hour for siesta

Managua, Nicaragua, what a wonderful spot
There's coffee and bananas and a temperature hot
So take a trip and on a ship go sailing away
Across the agua to Managua, Nicaragua, ol
Ol, ol
Across the agua to Managua, Nicaragua, ol
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