The Carbonfools - Chocolate Factory video

Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Carbonbliss
Megjelenés: 2014
Hossz: 4:07
Szövegírók: Miklós Milán Márió
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: 1G Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 4151 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


You would die for working in my factory
You would give your right arm to be here
I’m cookin’ treats well I produce confectionery
I’m selling these for you to make my cash

In my factory
Things are sweet
Chocolate Factory!
Life’s so sweet

Milky sour white black
Nutty crispy drab check
Shuffled truffle cake cups
Cacao milk fudge pops
Tangy chewy candy
Shake my jelly belly
Orange sassy suckers
Jawbreakers gobstoppers
Honey dipped the biscuits
Sugar swizzle sweet sticks
Cacao on bonbons
Cotton candy twist tops
Sugarplum and ice-cream
Cherry-sour pie dream
Chocolate chocolate candy
All my sweets are fancy

I guess you’ve came to see my chocolate factory
And you would like to stay
A little bit more
I work hard night and day
Here in my factory
So my chocolates ain’t so sweet to me

I used to eat so much that I lost my
I tried so many kinds
Cause life is short
I overdosed myself
I had to realize
That my chocolates ain’t so sweet
For me no more

In my factory
Things are sweet
Chocolate Factory
Life’s so sweet

I guess you’ve came to see my chocolate factory
And you would like to stay
A little bit more
I work hard night and day
Here in my factory
So my chocolates ain’t so sweet to me
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