IGNI - I was wrong video

Előadó: IGNI
Album: Innováció
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 2:52
Szövegírók: Batka Ignác Barna(Igni)
Szolnoki Zoltán (Goore)
Zeneszerzők: Batka Ignác Barna(Igni)
Kiadó: ECDC
Stílus: Pop, R&B
Címkék: csalódás, lelkis, megbocsátás, remény, várakozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3401 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I would walk around the world
Just to see your pretty face
I would walk through fire
if thats what it takes, babe

its not easy to forgive for the things i have done,
Let me tell you how i feel
Now I'm down on my knees I'm sorry baby please.

REFR: For you
all do anything you want me to
Quietly passiontly cause this is ment to be
I have a conffesion to make
That i was wrong oh oh uh
oh oh uh oh i was wrong

Baby let me see u one last time
Dont shot no tears dont you cry ,cry

its not easy to forgive for the things i have done,
Let me tell you how i feel
Now I'm down on my knees I'm sorry baby please.

REFR: For you
all do anything you want me to
Quietly passiontly cause this is ment to be
I have a conffesion to make
That i was wrong oh oh uh oh
oh oh uh oh i was wrong
i was wrong oh oh uh oh
oh oh uh oh i was wrong

I was wrong
Please forgive me
i was wrong oh oh uh oh oh oh uh oh i was wrong
i was wrong oh oh uh oh oh oh uh oh i was wrong
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