Superbutt - Mothers' Day dalokhu

You And Your Revolution
Előadó: Superbutt
Album: You And Your Revolution
Megjelenés: 2008
Hossz: 4:13
Szövegírók: Szűcs Péter
Mahboubi Salim
Szentpéteri Zsolt
Vörös András
Szűcs Szabolcs
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: HMR Music Kft. / EDGE Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3881 alkalommal




Pontszám: 261


Hide from your eagles, run from your fate
As fast as you can, before it’s too late

It will not be long till we gracefully hit the bottom at this rate
It will not be long till we do get fed some more dust
At any rate

Hide from your eagles, run from your fate
As fast as you can, before it’s too late

It will not be long till we gracefully scratch the bottom at this rate
It will not be long till we do get fed some more dust
At any rate

You can’t overestimate

The power of sickness and the weakness of reason
And the devout smile as we kneel down to pray
Bless the brother, who climbed a rock
Bless him to find anything to say

The force of sickness and the weakness of mind
And the twisted grin as we kneel down to pray
Bless the sister who bore a wolf
And celebrates on Mothers’ Day
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