Superbutt - Fishmachine dalokhu

The Unbeatable Eleven
Előadó: Superbutt
Album: The Unbeatable Eleven
Megjelenés: 2003
Hossz: 3:26
Szövegírók: Mahboubi Salim
Szentpéteri Zsolt
Vörös András
Gábor Béla
Szűcs Szabolcs
Zeneszerzők: Superbutt
Kiadó: Magneoton / mTon
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2898 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Bait on the hook at 7:07
High tide at 8:08
Fishing season is from 10 to 11
Come and catch me!

Fisherman, fisherman
Set up your machine again
Show me what you caught
If you're hungry, if you're not

Bait on the hook at 7:07
High tide at 8:08
Fishing season is from 10 to 11
Come and catch me!

Fisherman, fisherman
Turn on your machine again
If you think I'm your haul
Take it all, take it all

Turn on your fishmachine
Turn on your big machine

I know, it's your pleasure I took:
So come and catch me on your line with your hook
Come and catch me!

Fisherman, fisherman
Use your machine again
Stick it in the water
Full load on her!

Bait on the hook at 7:07
High tide at 8:08
Fishing season is from 10 to 11
Come and catch me!
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