YOULÏ - Come Along video

Szerelemtől szabadon
Előadó: YOULÏ
Album: Szerelemtől szabadon
Megjelenés: 2015
Hossz: 3:24
Szövegírók: Horányi Juli ( YOULÏ)
Zeneszerzők: Harmath Szabolcs
Horányi Juli ( YOULÏ)
Kiadó: Gold Records
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: A DAL [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 4541 alkalommal


Juli Horanyi

Juli Horanyi

Pontszám: 26


On the road
I see what I want to follow
On the road
there’s a lot of tomorrow
On the road
I leave the past behind
and jump into the right time

Come along, come along
let's leave like two sweet souls
come along, come along
we need to write beautiful songs
and sing about all in our minds
and be no longer blind
come along, come along
then we will reach our goals

I put on my smile
when everything ’s messy
I don’t turn back if someone attacks me
I see deep in his eyes
and look through the lies
a lonely man who lives inside

Come along, come along
let's leave like two sweet souls
come along, come along
we need to write beautiful songs
and sing about all in our minds
and be no longer blind
come along, come along
then we will reach our goals

Now I go back to the start
with ease in my heart
falling down
but I know you’ll hold me tight

I’m here with you hand in hand
beyond the empty light
together we take flight

Come along…
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