Óperentzia - Neighbour's song

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Óperentzia
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3492 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


U dont know
how much i suffer
when i taste the smell
of my neigbours asshole
and i cant take it no more
I can pray and say oh jesus christ
but no answer comes from the deep blue sky
but im a freak guy
i dont think im allowed to think such things like this

my pal is a bird
his name is Herb
he visits me every day
dont give a shit about my pain
he can fly away he smells shit
he wont understand these feelings
no chance to escape from the circus
those stupid people all day just staring at me
my heart is so sad

i wish i was that free little bird
i could fly above the elephant
and shit off his back
shit off his head
shit on the middle of his fuckin face

and shit off his back
shit off his head
shit on the middle of his fuckin face
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