Charme - Keep you stronger video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Charme
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Kassai Jnoffin
Zeneszerzők: Fehér Attila
Kolozsvári Tamás
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Latin, pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2173 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Ohoh Ohoh Ohoh Hey!
Ohoh Ohoh Ohoh Hey!

Verse I:
Light my fire, take me higher
Keep me moving and I’ll keep on grooving
Send more power every hour
Celebrating while heaven is waiting
Catch the feeling come on move your body
In the night time’s the right time to do it

One night I’m gonna stay
Lost in the music you can’t refuse it
Sun time is here to stay
Keep your head on my shoulder, I’ll keep you stronger

One night I’m gonna stay
Lost in the music you can’t refuse it
Sun time is here to stay
Keep your head on my shoulder, I’ll keep you stronger

Ohohoh oh oh oh (Stronger)
ohohoh oh oh oh (keep you stronger)
Ohohoh oh oh oh (Stronger)
ohohoh oh oh oh (keep you stronger)

Verse II:
Catch the sunlight
Chase the moonlight
Take a chance while we dance until daylight
Burn desire, trip my wire
Make me feel like we’re dancing on fire
Catch the feeling come on move your body
In the night time’s the right time to do it.

One night I’m gonna stay
Lost in the music you can’t refuse it
Sun time is here to stay
Keep your head on my shoulder, I’ll keep you stronger

One night I’m gonna stay
Lost in the music you can’t refuse it
Sun time is here to stay
Keep your head on my shoulder, I’ll keep you stronger

Ohohoh oh oh oh (Stronger)
ohohoh oh oh oh (keep you stronger)
Ohohoh oh oh oh (Stronger)
ohohoh oh oh oh (keep you stronger)
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