Rami - Love's The Way

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Rami
Album: Szeress forrón!
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 4:00
Szövegírók: Kasai Jnofinn
Zeneszerzők: Szabó Zoltán (Szabó Zé)
Kiadó: mTon
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3618 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Can’t hide the feeling just thinking about us
No looking back, there’s a chance it will be forever lost
Losing your mind when you find there’s another
Don’t close your eyes;
If you do, you’ll be left there in the dust.

It’s in your eyes
But don’t be hypnotized
Love burns up to the edge
It’s up to you when dreams are coming true,
To hold on to your faith.

Seeing is believing in things
You can’t get enough of
Dreamin’ ’bout the love that we make
Won’t blow the top off!
Hold me in the palm of your heart, warm and still
Boy we got no time to lose
Love’s the way

Deep in your mind there’s a sign of another
Holding you back from the one that could
Take you to the top.
Fight for the chance and the right to discover
Just what it means to believe in the power of love

It’s in your eyes
But don’t be hypnotized
Love burns up to the edge
It’s up to you when dreams are coming true,
To hold on to your faith.

Seeing is believing in things
You can’t get enough of
Dreamin’ ’bout the love that we make
Won’t blow the top off!
Hold me in the palm of your heart, warm and still
Boy we got no time to lose
Love’s the way
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