Yiga - Marry me video

Elbaszott éjszakák
Előadó: Yiga
Album: Elbaszott éjszakák
Megjelenés: 2017
Hossz: 3:04
Szövegírók: Papp Zsigmond (Yiga)
Zeneszerzők: Papp Zsigmond (Yiga)
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2304 alkalommal




Pontszám: 371


For so many years I was so blind
I was searching for someone
Who'd say you're not out of your mind
You want exactly who I want

And somehow from the world
I've finally got my reward
But did I really see that girl?
Was I dreaming or tripping hard?

(Without her now I won't get high
I save my tears to wonder why)

If this is just a bad trip
Then leave me the psychosis
You'll see when my heart's ripped
Love is my diagnosis

And if this just a dream
Please, don't wake me up
I just want to sleep
And forever carry on

Maybe she's an angel
Not only healing my wound
But saving me from danger
And keeping me cured

A second tought says: listen
Maybe she is evil
But if I were a Christian
I'm sure I would keep her

I'm staring at the vireo's eye
I don't like any stereotype

And if this is just a bad trip
Then leave me the psychosis
You'll see when my heart's ripped
Love is my diagnosis

And if this just a dream
Please, don't wake me up
I just want to sleep
And forever carry on

Trough million lies I've found the truth
That it's not worth to waste the youth
There's a redemption for every chance we blew
If you hold my hands and guide me trough

And what about me?

I'll give you candy, give you diamonds, give you pills
I'll give you everything you want, hundred dollar bills
I even let you hear the songs I wanna sing
Just marry me, marry me, marry me
Just marry me, marry me, marry me
Marry me
Just marry me
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