Muri Enikő - Make me okay

Előadó: Muri Enikő
Album: Enciklopédia
Megjelenés: 2012
Hossz: 0:00
Szövegírók: Johnny K. Palmer
Szabó Zoltán
Palmer Johannes
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Sony Music Entertainment Magyarország Kft.
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6874 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Take it back to the day we first met
I never really felt interested
So busy down singin’ my blues
On the downbeat like one, two
Once you had me then you had me
Took some time but now you got me
Once you got me I got happy
Got me locked down right

I just don’t know why
I tried to run away for so long
I finally know where I belong

You make me feel joy when I’m in pain
And I forget just for a moment
I forget I’m not OK
And you make me feel better everyday
Like the colors of the sunshine
In the shadow of the rain

You made me okay
made me okay
made me okay
made me okay
made me oh
oh made me okay

I never thought I’d feel like I do
I never saw me fallen for you
I never knew it cool be like it be
And love is simple like one, two, three

Once you had me then you had me
Took some time but now you got me
Once you got me I got happy
Got me locked down right

I just don’t know why
I tried to run away for so long
I finally know where I belong

You make me feel joy when I’m in pain
And I forget just for a moment
I forget I’m not OK
And you make me feel better everyday
Like the colors of the sunshine
In the shadow of the rain

You got me feelin’ oh
You got me feelin’ okay
You got me feelin’ oh
You got me feelin’ okay
You got me feelin’ oh
You got me feelin’ okay
You got me feelin’ alright (2X)

You make me feel joy when I’m in pain
And I forget just for a moment
I forget I’m not OK
And you make me feel better everyday
Like the colors of the sunshine
In the shadow of the rain (2X)

You got me feelin oh
You got me feelin’ okay
you got me feelin’ oh
you got me feelin’ okay
You got me feelin’ oh
You got me okay
You got me feelin’ alright
Eredeti: Muri Enikő - Késő már
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